I never feel depressed, if I have something to expect. If I have something exciting planned for the weekend, nothing can get me upset. This week I had something way more than only exciting coming for me - on Friday I went to a movie theater to watch Led Zeppelin concert movie "Celebration Day". One word - mindblowing. Oh my god. I can't even describe what I felt watching my heroes perform. My hands were shaking, my feet couldn't stand still. I felt like I have a fever.
As you've already understood, I loved every single bit of it. From "Good Times, Bad Times" to "Rock And Roll" . I'd especially like to compliment their performance on "No Quarter", which was my favorite song of the night, "Since I've Been Loving You", "Black Dog", "Kasmir". I was a little disappointed in "Dazed and Confused" and the guitar solo using violin bow. The laser light shining on Jimmy was very impressive though.
The next song after "Dazed and Confused" was "Stairway to Heaven". I'm going to have to be honest, I've always considered it a bit overrated. I loved it, but I couldn't understand the reason why it's called the greatest rock song ever. Now I got it completely. What they did fascinated me so much I cried.
It was extraordinary and Led Zeppelin are deserving of the fame they got. The knowledge of that the music is getting only worse and there will never be a band who will be able to move people as much as Led Zeppelin did, hurts me so much.
Es nekad nejūtos nomākta un varu paciest visu slikto, kas ar mani notiek, ja man ir kaut kas aizraujošs, ko gaidīt. Šonedēļ mani gaidīja kaut kas daudz-vairāk-kā-satraucošs - es piektdien apmeklēju "Forum Cinemas", lai noskatītos Led Zeppelin koncertierakstu/koncertfilmu "Celebration Day". Man pat nav ko teikt. Tas bija pilnīgi satriecoši. Manas rokas trīcēja un kājas raustījās mūzikas ritmā. Vienu brīdi man šķita, ka man ir drudzis.
Jūs jau nopratāt, ka es dievināju šo filmu. Es mīlēju katru dziesmu, ko viņi izpildīja, sākot no "Good Times Bad Times" līdz pat "Rock And Roll". Es īpaši gribētu uzteikt viņu sniegumu, spēlējot "No Quarter" (tas, šķiet, arī bija mans mīļākais šī vakara priekšnesums), "Since I've Been Loving You", "Black Dog", "Kashmir". Mazliet gan jutos vīlusies "Dazed And Confused" izpildījumā un ģitāras solo, kuru Džimijs Peidžš izpildīja, izmantojot vijoles lociņu. Gaismas efekti gan bija lieliski.
Nākamā dziesma, ko viņi izpildīja, bija "Stariway To Heaven". Man jāatzīstās, es vienmēr esmu mīlējusi šo dziesmu, bet es nekad neesmu sapratusi, kapēc to sauc par labāko dziesmu roka vēsturē. Tagad es sapratu. Es jutos tik fascinēta, ka sāku raudāt. Nopietni.
Tas bija brīnišķīgi, un Led Zeppelin ir pelnījuši slavu, kas viņiem ir. Man ir skumji apzināties, ka nekad nevarēšu klātienē pieredzēt Led Zeppelin koncertu, un ka grupas, kas ir slavenas mūsdienās, kvalitātes ziņā ne tuvu klāt nestāv Led Zeppelin.